Irish Lamb
Irish lamb is regarded internationally as a high-quality food item in the food industry. Reared in the Irish temperate climate, Irish lamb benefits from plentiful grass and herbs, giving Irish lamb a unique delicate flavour that is well regarded and favoured in European Mediterranean markets. At Fieldstown Farm, our Irish lamb is available to you, direct from the farm. We are Bord Bía approved, and our farm is REPS approved.
It is vitally important that you know where your food comes from, that it is quality produce, that the lamb is fed only its mother’s milk, grass, and home-grown barley, and that the lambs are free range, fully traceable and locally slaughtered by a traditional butcher. That is why it is important to buy direct from the farm. Not only do you support local farmers, but you are also acting responsibly.
Buying food should not be about the cheapest product; supermarkets cut corners to give you the cheapest product and sacrifice quality and traceability. Before the lamb gets to the supermarket, too many people have touched your food, it has travelled too far, it is often not traceable, and can contain medicines and ingredients that would not normally be allowed on an Irish Bord Bía approved farm. This is the best fresh lamb that you can buy.